So what's coming in November for this blog?
I don't know. But here's what I'm working on in general:
I have some new games to discuss over the next few weeks, both those that were free from Asmodee and Open Design, and those that I actually spent money on.
I ended up buying a second copy of Victoriana
I'll also be posting more Dungeon Twister
And I have a November Project that I'm setting out on - my wife does NaNoWriMo every November, you see. And, to stay out of her hair, I do a personal project. This year's project has to do with RuneQuest II
Of course, if my laptop isn't back from the shop, then I'll spend my month playing Final Fantasy XIII
Also worth mentioning: Gamethyme's Game of the Year will now be something I'm actively working on. It'll just be the one category, with no short list of nominees. The announcement post of the winner will go up at GenCon. Gamethyme's Game of the Year will recognize the new-to-me game that, over the last year, most left me wanting to play it more. It may be a new game, it may be an old gem recently uncovered. But I'll be paying closer attention to what I've been playing. I figure that even The Dice Tower was once a small blog - they had to start somewhere, right?
... and that's about all I have time for right now. Stay tuned! I promise that, even if I have to blog from my phone
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