First, my overview of 2010
More Hits
According to Google Analytics, my numbers this year were up considerably over last year. This was helped in part by two significant spikes in readership that I'll cover below.
A Swing In Focus
Previously, this blog has been 90% boardgaming content with occasional posts thrown to roleplayers. This year, that focus shifted slightly and I started throwing in more and more RPG-related posts. In all honesty, I went a bit too far on this - but I'll discuss that when I go over next year's goals.
Affiliate Programs
Both and DriveThuRPG have affiliate programs which I signed up for this year. It was easy to do and - honestly - hasn't interfered with what I'm already doing. I haven't found myself writing posts just to sell stuff, either - which I had been afraid of.
Character Generation is Interesting
Who knew? When Stephanie and I started on our Character Generation Project, I figured that it would be interesting only to us. Oddly, it wasn't. In fact, it's become one of the more popular features of the blog. People seem to be very interested in the response of a relatively new gamer struggling through character generation over and over and over.
The Kindle
Early this year, I acquired a Kindle DX
Expanded Availability
This blog is also now available on Kindle
More Attention
I received two huge spikes in readership.
The first was when Wil Wheaton somehow noticed my blog and then linked back to it on Reddit. I don't know if he's a regular reader or not, but that was pretty exciting for me. (And, if you are reading this, THANK YOU!)
The second spike was when I was critical of Fantasy Flight's latest advertising scheme. Several gaming news sites (starting with Purple Pawn) picked the story up, and it was off. Let me state here and now: I don't dislike FFG. I like a number of their games, and have had nothing but good experiences in dealing with them. I was just skeptical about this particular device and the terms of its license.
A New Domain
I know - I should have posted this earlier. But the purchase of as a domain was a big step for me.
A Contest
I gave away a couple of PDF's, courtesy of Cubicle 7. I actually very much enjoyed being able to give something away. While I didn't have a huge number of entries, I had more than expected - and thank all of you for entering. I hope to have another contest or two next year.
SO: What's on tap for next year?
More Balance
My goal is to adjust my focus so that I'm writing more or less equally about boardgaming and roleplaying. I love both ends of the hobby, and don't want to neglect either one.
More Photos
I don't want to hit you with just Wall Of Text, week after week. Images, illustrations, and photos make the blog more interesting.
More Criticism of FFG
Just kidding. While it did bring in lots of hits, I do genuinely like the vast majority of their products and I have never had anything but good to say about their customer service on those rare occasions in which I needed to contact them.
Although I did recently twitch pretty hard when they recently announced the upcoming release of the "new" game Magnifico
More Characters
I have several Character Generation Project posts nearly ready to go. I figure that if you want to read it, I'm willing to post it.
More Reviews
I applied to several publishers to be on their reviewer lists last year, and I made it onto a few lists. It helps that I only applied to publishers to generally print things I like. That said, however, my reviews have been favorably received even by non-publishers. I'm no Tom Vasel - nor do I plan to be - but I enjoy writing about what I've been reading.
More Conventions
Last year, I only went to one Convention. In 2011, I'm going to at least two. Hopefully more. In fact, the first one - SCARAB - is only a few weeks off.
A Better Buffer
Through most of the year, I had a comfortable 1-2 week buffer of posts so I could be sick or lazy and not panic. At one point, I had more than a month's worth or cushion. I hope to stay in that 3+ week zone, as it gives me a great deal of flexibility. If something happens, I can always reschedule a post or two to give you the Breaking News, as it were.
Continued LIDT Membership
This is a reminder for current LIDT members: Membership runs from January 1 to December 31st. You may want to get your 2011 dues in fairly soon. If you're not a member, I would like to encourage you to check it out.
So there you have it: Two Years In A Nutshell.
Oh - and if you're not doing anything for New Year's Eve - I do have a suggestion for you.
I'll see you next year.
Congrats on the two years!
ReplyDeleteI discovered your blog through searches for Dungeon Twister strategies and about tournaments being run in the US. Now I'm a regular reader.
I have really enjoyed the reviews you have written.
I also congratulate you on a good year of posts...
ReplyDeleteI look forward to your blog every Wednesday, mostly hoping for a DT post :), but I always enjoy reading whatever subject you tackle.
Thanks for the reminder to rejoin the LIDT -- I guess I should do that before SCARAB.
Happy New Year!