One of my favorites is Half Price Books. They're everywhere, and where we live, I get to see a continual stream of good gaming books - I keep finding obscure indie games there. Of course, there are three locations that I drive within a few blocks of daily because of my commute.
If I lived in Portland, I would go to Powell's more often - but their RPG section has been dwindling of late. The best find I saw there last time was a copy of Amber
Amazon often has used copies of books available, as well - usually through third-party sellers.
It's how I got my copy of Burning Empires
A few weeks ago, my friend Wade took Stephanie and I to his local Half Price, and they had Weapons of the Gods
I'm always both glad and a little sad to find awesome things like this in used book stores.
Glad because it allows me to fill in gaps in my collection or buy that game I wanted but never saw in stores. And it's usually relatively cheap, too!
Sad because it means that someone put that book down. Whether it was because they moved to a new edition, or just walked away from the game (or the hobby), there is one less person enjoying that book.
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