When it comes to gaming, I dislike a high degree of randomness. I like a fair degree of player interaction. I dislike having to reference charts continuously through play.
So why do I like Pizza Box Football
I could go on for a while about why I should dislike the game, but it highlights something for me: Sometimes you need to set aside your preferences and give something different a shot.
It worked for Dixit
Here's the thing about our gaming preferences that everyone forgets: You learned them. When I was eight, I didn't sit down at the Monopoly
My gateways to gaming in general are probably very similar to yours at first. Candy Land
When I was twelve, I played Axis and Allies
By the time I was seventeen, I'd also played Diplomacy
Over the next five years, I added a number of games to my list - Robo Rally
Some of you are aware of a split in boardgaming between "Euro" games and "Ameritrash" games. Some of you will further note that all of the games listed above are AT-style. That is, theme before gameplay, lots of bits, lots of dice, lots of direct player conflict. It's worth noting that party games such as Scattergories
I was in my early twenties before I played a Euro. It was, of course Settlers of Catan
Settlers seemed, to me, to be nearly the perfect game. There was non-conflict interaction, and (through initial placement), you had a degree of control over your luck. After that, I sought out Euros. There were some ... missteps. Nautilus
Somewhere along the way, I became very set in my ways. Or, as my wife calls me, "A Game Snob." I started sneering at games where dice ruled. I ignored games that were "too light."
Asmodee sent me the rules to Dixit
Even after reading the rules to these ones, I hesitated to bring them to the table. But I knew I'd have to be ready to demo them. Which meant I'd need to play them.
Dixit was ... well, the art dragged me in. Honestly, for the first play or two, the game played second fiddle to the art. The next few games, I enjoyed for itself. In fact, the more I played it, the more I liked it.
Now, one of the things I do is take games to some of our local game stores. While I spend the bulk of my time and money at Phoenix Games, I do spend some time at Uncle's Games (less, now that their Southcenter Mall location is gone). I've visited most of the other local stores, too.
I took Dixit to Uncle's games to demo for them. I ended up not having time to play, so I loaned it to them. When I came back a few weeks later, the district manager told me, "It's not his usual style of game, so when he recommended it, I knew it would be a good one." This was before it won the Spiel des Jahres.
It rapidly became a top-seller for them, and was their best-seller over the following holiday season. They had so much demand for it that they ended up buying copies from a Canadian distributor because the US was sold out.
They sold so many that I mentioned to Christophe that I'd brought it in to Uncle's to demo, he exclaimed, "We love Uncle's games!" Apparently they'd sold more than just about anyone else.
And all because I reached past my preferences and recommended a game.
So the point is this: When we reach past our preferences, we sometimes find games we would otherwise have missed. And some of these games may become favorites, if we give them a chance.
ReplyDelete1. I don't like card games.
2. I read your blog
3. I visit my FLGS
4. I buy the new Lord of the rings: the card game
5. I play it and ENJOY it.
It's all your "fault" for creating yet another black hole in my economy. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for supporting your FLGS.
And for reading my blog. :)