Think about your day. How much time do you spend in the evenings watching television or surfing the internet? How late do you sleep in on weekends?
In 2001, I was watching too much television. I wasn't even filtering for good TV - I just flipped channels until I saw something that caught my interest. I even watched Rollerball
The day I realized this, I re-arranged my priorities. I pushed human interaction to the top of the list. I cancelled my cable, and started working harder to see people.
That first week, I read twelve books.
In September of 2002, I started hosting Game Night - gaming has always been my preferred mode of social interaction. I have never looked back.
About six years ago, I got cable again. I should say "we," as it wasn't just me at that point. I was really afraid of it, but it worked out okay. For the first few months, I watched very little TV. But I eventually realized - yes, I enjoy watching television, but given the choice between TV and Game Night, it's a no-brainer. I'll go to Game Night every time.
I had readjusted my priorities, and - apparently - that readjustment stuck.
I watch TV, now, but I do so on my own schedule (thanks to a DVR). It fits where I want it to fit, and doesn't usually get in the way of anything else like it used to.
We've played some duds on Wednesdays, it's true - but I don't mind the duds so much, because time spent playing games with friends is always better than time spent watching television. In fact, most things are.
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