It also means that, at four, they turn the air conditioning off. And then the general public leaves, and then the hard work of palletizing everything begins.
Today is the day of price cuts and haggling guests.
It's people's last chance for that demo they've been waiting all convention for.
This, by the way, was the first convention where I have had to make appointments for demos.
Most of the team - as I said previously - knows most of the games. Apparently I'm the only Claustrophobia de Profundis person in the booth, though. And I'm the primary go-to when there is a question on another game (Other than Quebec, but that's because the designer is in the booth). The boss has had me speak with several distributor representatives to give them a game overview or two, and I also had a chance to chat with Dale Yu yesterday, which was neat. It's always cool to meet people you see online.
Tonight, the Asmodee team will gather for dinner before we head home. And then we split up and I don't see any of them until next year.
Two weeks from now, Stephanie and I will be at PAX. Stephanie will be working for Asmodee and I'll be working for Mindspan Labs (I'll be demoing ZoxSo
Need to get going - Day Four awaits, and I still have to put my shoes on.
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